A slightly less regular series in the “year end/new year” stable of posts, you can read past attempts at setting professional goals here: 202320202019, and 2018.

Actually do some professional development
It’s on everyone’s work plan every year, and it always seems to fall off the bottom (followed quickly by research and actual specimen curation). I’ve a few ideas, but as usual I think I’ll struggle to find the time.

Apply for the next “Big Grant”
My current “big grant” ends in 2025, so time to start thinking about what comes next. A few irons in the fire, but as with all these things, the hot-iron-to-roaring-bonfire pipeline is rarely provident.

Visit 3 new UK museums
I have a long list of about 17 UK collections that I want to visit, spread all over the four countries. And I actually have a small budget to do it!

Sort photos
I have so many unsorted (print) (personal) photos that are in desperate need of curation. There’s something about home/work balance here, but goodness this needs to happen.

A book?
One of my 2023 work objectives was to think about a book proposal. It’s still in my mind, but needs to jump ahead.

Say no
Always a regular thought, and often sometime about August I turn on the “no” switch for the rest of the calendar year. With this glut of work-related travel this year (I count 6 international trips at the moment) I think it will be a year of wrapping up existing things unless something truly exceptional comes along.