Alas, the ongoing crumbling of Twitter means I’ve been locked out because of a glitch in their two-factor authentication. After a decade, nearly 16k followers, and 130k tweets, I’ve got mixed feelings. Hence a rare revival of the blog.

On the one hand, Müsk is trash, and I’d been slowly disengaging from the site since early 2022. But I also wish I could have said farewell on my own terms. There’s a slim chance this post will auto-post to twitter, so perhaps this is it?

Folks, it’s been a blast.

Twitter brought me so much joy, so many friends (so many!), professional collaborations, and wonderful personal connections that will remain forever in my heart.

It made LGBTQ+ STEM into what it is today and brought together a queer science, tech, engineering & maths community. It filled my heart with joy.

Its demise has been sorry to see. Like an old friend who goes off the rails a little too often and with increasing frequency.

While I contemplate the future of things, you can find me over on And who knows, maybe the L&F blog will see a rejuvenation.

Wishing you all a very merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah, and the warmest of wishes for a better 2023.


PS: it goes without saying that as I’m locked out, I won’t see any messages, DMs, or anything really. I’m easily found if you need to find me. x